Thank you for visiting my website.
Original art inspired by color and nature.
I hope you enjoy browsing my colorful little world.
I love to portray nature and my surroundings as I see them, which is sometimes a little twisted. My intention is not to create a realistic representation of a particular animal or subject but to create an engaging piece of art that will brighten up your home.
I paint with water-mixable oils, using water-mixable linseed oil to thin and create expressive fluid texture. I primarily work on small format panels. My focus is all about color and I try to squeeze as much as I can into these little works of art.
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Andrea Lavery Copyright © All rights for all artworks sold and available are reserved. The images of artworks and the artworks in general from my website, social media, and Etsy store cannot be copied, altered, reproduced or distributed in any form without my written permission. Any derivatives, attempted imitation of my artwork, duplication and or editing of photos is expressly forbidden by federal law.